Data release: the Independent California Poll

As promised, here is all the raw data behind the Independent California Poll.

If you use this data, please give us and the pollster credit, for example: Independent California Institute, 2024, conducted by YouGov.

The files:

A couple of things to please keep in mind:

YouGov’s data is weighted to ensure that it properly represents the population they poll (in this case, California adults). If you want to what percentage people responded Yes to a given question, you can’t just take the number of people who replied Yes and divide it by the total number of people surveyed. Rather, you have to look at the weight column, take the total weight of the all the people who responded Yes, and divide that by the total weight of all respondents.

Second, if you want to draw conclusions about subgroups of Californians (for example, all self-identified Democrats), keep in mind the larger margin of error, and be honest about how statistically significant your results really are.

In short, we’d love to see our data used, but we also won’t hesitate to correct misleading or nonsensical uses of our data. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at