Independent California Institute is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt think tank (EIN 83-1377726). We conduct research and educate the public on greater self-governance for California.

Executive Director

Coyote Codornices Marin (they/them)

Board of Directors

Chair: Jeanne Rosenmeier (she/her)

Vice Chair: Timothy Vollmer (he/him)

Secretary, Treasurer: Neil Longhurst (he/him)

All Officers (Exec. Director, Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer) serve 1-year terms which end in May

All board members serve three-year terms ending in May.

Ending in May 2024: Longhurst

Ending in May 2024: Rosenmeier

Ending in May 2025: Vollmer

Independent California Institute is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt think-tank. Our EIN is 83-1377726

See our bylaws to learn more about how ICI is organized.