In much the same way that Prop 15 addresses unintended consequences of California’s commercial property tax system, Prop 19 reforms residential property taxes. For starters, “Prop 19: YES on reforming California’s residential property tax system”
Author: ICI
Prop 20: NO on DNA collection and other authoritarian excesses
The United States puts a far greater share of its residents in prison than any modern democracy, and (as far as we have accurate statistics), “Prop 20: NO on DNA collection and other authoritarian excesses”
Prop 21: YES to allowing rent control on 15-year-old buildings
Laws which limit rent increases are common in Canada and Europe. However, only 5 U.S. states have any sort of rent control law at either “Prop 21: YES to allowing rent control on 15-year-old buildings”
Prop 22: NO on letting corporations write their own labor laws
What would you think if the state of California passed a new labor law, and a handful of companies, instead of following it, spent millions “Prop 22: NO on letting corporations write their own labor laws”
Prop 23: no recommendation on dialysis clinic regulations
Finally, a proposition that doesn’t have much at all to do with California’s sovereignty or our relationship with the United States! Prop 23 creates new “Prop 23: no recommendation on dialysis clinic regulations”
Prop 24: no recommendation on changing California’s privacy laws
While the U.S. Constitution makes no mention of privacy, the California Constitution guarantees an explicit right to privacy right in Article I, Section 1. And “Prop 24: no recommendation on changing California’s privacy laws”
Prop 25: YES to ending cash bail in California
Sometimes it’s hard to realize just how peculiarly awful some American institutions are. Take the American cash bail system: In America, if the police arrest “Prop 25: YES to ending cash bail in California”
California’s Peers
Which countries are in the same class as California? This map shows the 37 countries similar to California in population size: This map shows the “California’s Peers”
The 16 Principles of California Autonomy
Initiatives and petition drives have become one of the main organizing activities in the Californian Independence Movement. There have been two so far that were “The 16 Principles of California Autonomy”
The Absurdity of California Statehood
Is California too big to be a U.S. state, or are most U.S. states just too little? 1. If every state were the same size “The Absurdity of California Statehood”