Former President Donald Trump caused a furor by publicly speculating about the current Vice President’s ethnicity. Is Kamala Harris Black or South Asian and when “The California-ness of Kamala Harris”
Category: Californian Identity
What does it mean to be Californian?
Help fund The Independent Californian Poll
UPDATE: Thanks to your generous donations, the first ever comprehensive, scientific poll about California independence will start on Monday, Feb. 5.
Poll: liberals feel more Californian, conservatives feel more American
People sometimes assume because California is a U.S. state, our identity as Californians implies that we also automatically identify as Americans. But this isn’t always “Poll: liberals feel more Californian, conservatives feel more American”
The Strange Power of ‘Ecotopia’
California needs a new narrative, and you can write it. In “Could the ‘Ecotopia’ fantasy actually become reality?” columnist Dan Walters recently speculated that California, Washington, “The Strange Power of ‘Ecotopia’”
Oh say can you sing… California’s State Song
Happy 4th of July! Today you’re almost certainly going to hear America’s national anthem, and maybe get a chance to sing it: O say can you “Oh say can you sing… California’s State Song”