Is it any wonder that a majority of our not-really American state is ready to leave before the Americans kick us out? According to an Independent California Institute poll, 58% of California adults say we’d be better off than we are now if California peacefully became independent — its own country — in the next decade.
Category: California Independence
Yes, peaceful secession is real. No, it can’t be done without the consent of Congress.
Ventura County Star: The ‘Calexit’ sentiment might be rising
68% of Californians believe they would be better off than they are now if the state negotiated for itself a “special autonomous status within the U.S.” and arranged for transfer of almost all federal land and water infrastructure here to state and local governments. More than a supermajority, then, want at least special standing.
Why other secession pollsters should give peace a chance
What could explain an almost thirty-point gap between two polls on the same subject run in the same month by the same reputable polling agency?
Newsweek: Most Californians Believe They’d Be Happier if State Seceded
While many reject the idea of state secession as a fantasy of just a few, a new survey revealed that a majority of Californians feel they’d be happier if their state was no longer part of the United States.
58% of Californians say they’d be better off if California peacefully seceded
We have topline (overall) results from The Independent California Poll!
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Book Review: Splitsville USA
The author of this remarkable book, Christopher Zurn, is a professor of philosophy at UMass Boston and describes his work as “research in social and “Book Review: Splitsville USA”
“The chillest secession poll ever”—Read the script!
YouGov is about two-thirds of the way through collecting data for The Independent Californian Poll, and we should have results for you all in the ““The chillest secession poll ever”—Read the script!”
Why I filed an amicus brief with California’s Supreme Court
Last Monday, I filed an amicus brief with the California Supreme Court, in the case Legislature v. Weber (S281977). The case attempts to determine whether “Why I filed an amicus brief with California’s Supreme Court”
Help fund The Independent Californian Poll
UPDATE: Thanks to your generous donations, the first ever comprehensive, scientific poll about California independence will start on Monday, Feb. 5.
Time for California to step up (Yes on Prop 1)
ICI urges state to stand up for civil rights As the US Supreme Court becomes ever more scornful of individual rights, the residents of California “Time for California to step up (Yes on Prop 1)”