In much the same way that Prop 15 addresses unintended consequences of California’s commercial property tax system, Prop 19 reforms residential property taxes. For starters, “Prop 19: YES on reforming California’s residential property tax system”
Category: Housing
Prop 21: YES to allowing rent control on 15-year-old buildings
Laws which limit rent increases are common in Canada and Europe. However, only 5 U.S. states have any sort of rent control law at either “Prop 21: YES to allowing rent control on 15-year-old buildings”
What California independence looks like: 12 ways California is already moving towards independence (and one more thing to try)
California independence is hard for a lot of people to picture; maybe people can imagine Californians going to the polls to vote on a declaration “What California independence looks like: 12 ways California is already moving towards independence (and one more thing to try)”