Thomas Elias: For every action, says one principle of both physics and politics, there is a reaction. So when President Donald Trump threatened to put conditions on disaster aid in the wake of California’s unprecedented January firestorms, there was a reaction.
Category: Press
Press releases and press about us. Usually you want to select “In the News” or “Press Releases”
Courthouse News: Breaking up is hard to do: California secession movement pushes forward on ballot question
Alan Riquelmy: A poll released this month and commissioned by the Independent California Institute — which stated that its first principle is for California to become a “fully functioning sovereign and autonomous nation” — offers some support for secessionists.
According to the poll, 61% of respondents said the state would be better off if it peacefully seceded, and 63% supported using “hardball” tactics to gain autonomy.
Connecting California: Did the L.A. Fires Start in D.C?
Joe Mathews: The flames that leveled Pacific Palisades and Malibu are believed to have started in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, managed by the National Park Service. (That’s you!).
The blaze that turned Altadena to ash burned through the Angeles National Forest, managed by the U.S. Forest Service, which is part of the United States (you again!) Department of Agriculture.
KTVU News: California could become its own independent country
The Independent California Institute released a new poll purporting that more than 60% of Californians agree that they “would be better off California if peacefully seceded from the U.S. at some point in the next 10 years.”
Press Release: 66% of Californians want an autonomy commission. It shouldn’t take an initiative to get them one.
Carlsbad, CA: 61% of Californians said they would be better off California if peacefully seceded from the U.S. at some point in the next ten years, in a poll conducted in the weeks before Inauguration Day. This is the highest favorability towards secession ever recorded in a California poll.
CalMatters: If California split from the US and became a nation, it would be comparable to Canada
Legendary California reporter Dan Walters covers our poll for CalMatters:
The transcontinental sniping raises an old question: Could California sever ties with the United States and once again become an independent country? The San Diego County-based Independent California Institute thinks so.
Democracy Local: How to Achieve Local Autonomy
Fully 68% of Californians believe that California would be better off if California negotiated a special autonomous status within the U.S., according to a poll that my think tank, the Independent California Institute, commissioned from YouGov earlier this year…. Why might Californians want more independence from the federal government?
Only United In Name: Round-Up of Recent Doings
Richard Kreitner, author of the book Break It Up, gave ICI a shout-out in his recent newsletter:
A more insightful survey was conducted (also by YouGov) for the Independent California Institute, whose director, Coyote Marin, reached out to me after reading Break It Up. What I like about the ICI is…
Press Release: 84% of California Democrats favor ‘special autonomous status’ for California
Carlsbad, CA: If Californians want more independence from the U.S., what should they do to get it? Newly released crosstabs point to one obvious answer: organize within the California Democratic Party.
Newsweek: US ‘Breaking Apart’ With 25 States ‘Ready’ to Leave: Texas Secessionist
Miller argued that in the survey, support for independence was lower than it should be because “polling companies have no idea how to poll the issue of secession or withdrawing from the union.”
To support this argument, Miller referenced a separate YouGov survey conducted in February for the Independent California Institute.