The U.S. flag features 50 stars of equal size, one for each state. In reality, states are so unequal that just nine of them comprise about 51% of the United States’ population.
Category: Articles
Articles we have written.
Fire and Flood: Federal Interference Wastes California’s Water Resources
On January 31, 2025, Mr. Donald Trump ordered the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to release millions of gallons of water from Northern California dams “Fire and Flood: Federal Interference Wastes California’s Water Resources”
Poll: As Trump Is Inaugurated, Californians Seek Independence
Highlights: 61% of Californians polled say California would be better off if it peacefully seceded. 77% say California should control its state borders “more like a country”. 63% support using hardball tactics in the U.S. House to gain autonomy. Californians now feel more Californian than American overall.
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Who are the Californians who want independence?
If you wanted to organize a mass movement around greater independence for California, who should you organize? Demographic data from our poll shows some surprising answers.
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Why other secession pollsters should give peace a chance
What could explain an almost thirty-point gap between two polls on the same subject run in the same month by the same reputable polling agency?
58% of Californians say they’d be better off if California peacefully seceded
We have topline (overall) results from The Independent California Poll!
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“The chillest secession poll ever”—Read the script!
YouGov is about two-thirds of the way through collecting data for The Independent Californian Poll, and we should have results for you all in the ““The chillest secession poll ever”—Read the script!”
Why I filed an amicus brief with California’s Supreme Court
Last Monday, I filed an amicus brief with the California Supreme Court, in the case Legislature v. Weber (S281977). The case attempts to determine whether “Why I filed an amicus brief with California’s Supreme Court”
Poll: liberals feel more Californian, conservatives feel more American
People sometimes assume because California is a U.S. state, our identity as Californians implies that we also automatically identify as Americans. But this isn’t always “Poll: liberals feel more Californian, conservatives feel more American”
Politicized Supreme Court’s Embrace of Partisan Gerrymandering Further Entrenches California’s Democratic Deficit in the U.S.
The United State’s Supreme Court five to four decision on June 27, 2019, to allow the creation of explicitly partisan and gerrymandered Congressional districts is “Politicized Supreme Court’s Embrace of Partisan Gerrymandering Further Entrenches California’s Democratic Deficit in the U.S.”