YouGov is about two-thirds of the way through collecting data for The Independent Californian Poll, and we should have results for you all in the ““The chillest secession poll ever”—Read the script!”
Category: Research
Our original research
Why I filed an amicus brief with California’s Supreme Court
Last Monday, I filed an amicus brief with the California Supreme Court, in the case Legislature v. Weber (S281977). The case attempts to determine whether “Why I filed an amicus brief with California’s Supreme Court”
Help fund The Independent Californian Poll
UPDATE: Thanks to your generous donations, the first ever comprehensive, scientific poll about California independence will start on Monday, Feb. 5.
Democracy Deserts: California Cities (2017-2021 ACS data)
What if a city held an election, and less than half the adults who lived in that city were allowed to vote? Would you call that city a democracy?
Poll: liberals feel more Californian, conservatives feel more American
People sometimes assume because California is a U.S. state, our identity as Californians implies that we also automatically identify as Americans. But this isn’t always “Poll: liberals feel more Californian, conservatives feel more American”
California’s Peers
Which countries are in the same class as California? This map shows the 37 countries similar to California in population size: This map shows the “California’s Peers”
Politicized Supreme Court’s Embrace of Partisan Gerrymandering Further Entrenches California’s Democratic Deficit in the U.S.
The United State’s Supreme Court five to four decision on June 27, 2019, to allow the creation of explicitly partisan and gerrymandered Congressional districts is “Politicized Supreme Court’s Embrace of Partisan Gerrymandering Further Entrenches California’s Democratic Deficit in the U.S.”
The 16 Principles of California Autonomy
Initiatives and petition drives have become one of the main organizing activities in the Californian Independence Movement. There have been two so far that were “The 16 Principles of California Autonomy”
On the Edge of Greatness: California’s Democracy Unleashed (Part 3 of 3)
this follows Part 2: California and the Axis of Authoritarianism Part 3: California’s Democracy Unleashed By the very nature of its name—“resistance” is defined as “On the Edge of Greatness: California’s Democracy Unleashed (Part 3 of 3)”
The Absurdity of California Statehood
Is California too big to be a U.S. state, or are most U.S. states just too little? 1. If every state were the same size “The Absurdity of California Statehood”