Independent California is an all-volunteer organization. Want to join our team?

Right now, we could use your help with these jobs:

All jobs are remote—work from anywhere! If you’re interested, please email

If none of these are your cup of kombucha, please consider donating to support our work!

Photo by Frank D. Lospalluto (CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Board Member

We currently have three board members. We’re looking to add as many as four more.

Board members meet by Zoom once a month. The meetings are held on Sunday afternoons and last about 90 minutes.

Other duties:

Being on the board does not obligate you to volunteer for other things.


  • Be a California resident over 18 years old
  • Care deeply about California independence—and even more deeply about the truth
  • Provide references of people you’ve worked with on a board, committee, advisory group, commission, etc.
  • Be willing to attend 2-3 board meetings before we decide if we want to add you to the board
  • Install Signal on your phone (and turn on notifications!)

Fundraising experience is a plus!

Fact Finder

Sometimes when we’re writing an article, we can use a little help finding relevant data or supporting evidence. For example:

  • What percentage of the water California uses comes from the Colorado River?
  • How much does California collect in sales tax revenue from each county?
  • Find as many historical examples of peaceful, negotiated secession as you can.

We need people who are good at hunting down facts and can do it quickly.


  • Participate in our Signal group
  • Be good at communicating your availability
  • Respond within 24 hours (even if it’s just to say you can’t help right now!)

Guest Writer

Write an article related to California independence for our website. We’ll also feature your article in our Substack newsletter, The Independent Californian.

We edit for readability and accuracy, but you’re welcome to express any opinion you like (except advocating violence). We believe in teaching the debate. We can also provide support with research.

This can be a regular gig or a one-time thing. No obligation.

See Fire and Flood: Federal Interference Wastes California’s Water Resources for a great article written by a guest writer.


  • Communicate by email (Signal not required!)
  • Write up your article in Google Docs
  • Give us (non-exclusive) permission to use your work

Number Cruncher

Help us crunch the numbers and make graphs for projects like What it Means to be a Donor State, The Independent California Poll, and Democracy Deserts.


  • Communicate by Signal or Email
  • Be moderately proficient in Google Sheets
  • Make graphs in Datawrapper

Skills with Python, Pandas, and/or JupyterLab are a plus but not required!

Newsletter Co-Editor

Currently one person does most of the work of producing The Independent Californian every week. It’s a fun job, but it’s a lot, and it’d be great if we could share the fun with more people. 😀

The job includes:

  • Finding news articles to include
  • Suggesting weekly themes based on recent news (e.g. water, the rule of law)
  • Putting together the newsletter in Substack
  • Add images to the newsletter
  • Check test versions of the newsletter for typos and broken links

If you’d like to just dip your toe in, we’d be happy to add you to the Signal channel where we suggest news articles and themes.


  • Participate in our Signal channel.
  • Be available to edit the newsletter on a semi-regular cadence (and communicate if you can’t make your commitments!)

Currently, the newsletter usually goes out mid-week, but if we have more team members, we’ll probably move to putting it together over the weekend and publishing on Monday mornings.