We have topline (overall) results from The Independent California Poll!
Please submit press inquiries to press@ic.institute.
How to get from where we are now to something resembling other modern democracies’ health care systems
We have topline (overall) results from The Independent California Poll!
Please submit press inquiries to press@ic.institute.
Back in 2004, the George W. Bush administration severely restricted federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, citing “moral” concerns. So California voters responded by “Prop 14: YES on more stem cell research funding”
Finally, a proposition that doesn’t have much at all to do with California’s sovereignty or our relationship with the United States! Prop 23 creates new “Prop 23: no recommendation on dialysis clinic regulations”
California independence is hard for a lot of people to picture; maybe people can imagine Californians going to the polls to vote on a declaration “What California independence looks like: 12 ways California is already moving towards independence (and one more thing to try)”
This 1-page fact sheet gives an overview of the various Medi-Cal plans, with an emphasis on the public managed care plans that could lay the groundwork for “Enrollment in Public Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans (August 2017)”
California is closer to a universal Single Payer system than it might seem. 45.8% of Californians are already on Single Payer (Medi-Cal, Medicare, or both). By “Laying the Groundwork for Single Payer in California”
Let’s face it, health care in California is a mess. For the average person, buying insurance and accessing care is expensive and confusing. Small business “Why We Shouldn’t Wait on Washington for Better Health Care”
Last Friday, California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood) announced that he was hitting the pause button on SB 562, a bill to establish a single-payer health “Speaker Rendon’s Bizarre Plan to Kick Single-Payer into the Initiative System”