Once again, California has a bullseye on its back.
Category: Taxes
Inevitable, and preferable to death
California Tax Reform without a Supermajority
The Legislature may, by majority vote, place tax reforms before the voters if they amend or repeal relevant voter-passed legislation.
Prop 10 and Tax Increases by Majority Vote
The Legislature may, by majority vote, place tax increases before the voters which go towards promoting, supporting, and improving early childhood development from the prenatal stage to five years of age. These revenues are exempt from the Gann Limit and Prop 98.
The California taxpayer’s case for independence
On Tuesday afternoon, Attorney General Xavier Becerra’s office cleared the California Freedom Coalition’s initiative, “California Autonomy from Federal Government,” for circulation. If passed, it would direct “The California taxpayer’s case for independence”
How any state can declare fiscal independence
This article outlines a simple way that any U.S. state can: control the total amount of taxes (state and federal) that state residents and businesses pay stabilize “How any state can declare fiscal independence”